Frans Couwenbergh, portretschilder & humanosoof

My book

I wrote a nice book. In English. My English. Too poor English to publish. Even PublishAmerica didn’t release it. Nevertheless a shocking good book, titled New view on human nature.

It explains how we, humans, former apes, became so special in nature. Nobody succeeded to explain this till now, and I do it in this book. So it is a shocking good book. I tell a consistent story about how our earliest ancestors became lingual creatures.

Even the concept of lingualty is new. So I have to tell you what lingualty is. Lingualty is the mental state wherein an ape population comes when they have names for the things in their environment. In my book I explain what having names for the things does with an animal.

1. It creates (a feeling of) distance between the namer and the named thing. There comes ‘light’ between the animal and his environment. It creates detachment, aloofness.

2. Detachment creates (a feeling of) power over the named thing. It reduced the fear of the namer for the named sabre toothed tiger, because the namer can ‘catch’ the tiger by his the name. In the end it enabled our ancestors to put aside their animal fear for the fire.

3. Knowledge about the environment could be transferred to the young generation: knowledge could be piled up in our species.

4. Two know more than one. Individual intelligence could be thrown together. As a group our ancestors could solve problems that individuals couldn’t.

5. Our ancestors could make up plans: in no other species animals can.

Names for the things. In my book it started as a casual girls play. There was no survival need for it. The ape-men population flourished prosperous without it, like the other ape-me populations. Without it we would be still ape-men somewhere in Africa. But the casual girl habit was useful, so it remained and it developed. When the girls moved over to another clan for their partner, they took the habit along and so the culture spread all over this special ape-men tribe. The tribe flourished because of the better cooperation, kept more children alive, and in the end this ancestral ape-men tribe outnumbered the other ape-men tribes without this langual communication culture.

Around 2 million years ago happened the first use of fire. No other species ever succeeded to use the fire. The use of the fire meant a big jump forward to become human. Not only because of the extended and more nutritious menu and the power over the other animals, but it enabled them to spend long hours around the nightly campfire. Hours only serviceable for communication. From this moment the scientists name our ancestors ‘homo’ (H. habilis, H. erectus).

So my book explains how we became so special in nature. Scientists only sum up fossils and stone tools and cannot tell why our ancestors performed this behavior and no other ape species. So it is a shocking good book. Unfortunately, in clumsy English. So not even PublishAmerica did release it. But there is hope.

My friend Henk is a real scientist. He is a depression patient (like so much high-gifted men) and fortunately I can be his caregiver. He is a nice person, so care giving is easy. He is interested in my book. So he pays me back with editing it. Evening after evening we work together on the book, little part after little part. Not only the English but also the philosophical and scientific content.

I hope so that I can keep him alive !

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